Top 10 Cloud Computing Challenges in 2020

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Cloud computing has been one of the most exciting and disruptive forces in the IT world in the past decade. You may already have heard about the term ‘Cloud Computing’. Hence, put in brief, cloud computing implies preserving, accessing, and handling big data and software apps online. In cloud computing technology, firewall networks shield the entire data.

The cloud technology is used by a wide range of people across their day to day lives. Web-based email services or preparing any of the document over the web is a common example of cloud technology. In the IT industry, there are various types of cloud computing such as platform as a service (PaaS), Infrastructure as a service(IaaS) and Software as a service(SaaS). Cloud technology is instrumental in business development because it provides impressive results promptly.

According to the RightScale 2019 State of the Cloud Survey, 94% of IT experts reviewed and said that their organizations were using cloud computing services and 91% were utilizing the public cloud.

So, here are the top 10 cloud computing challenges in 2020

Challenge 1: Data Security

When it comes to security concerns of cloud technology, a lot of questions remain unanswered. The biggest cloud computing data security issues are mysterious threats such as virus attack and hacking of your site. Entrepreneurs have to think on these issues before adopting cloud computing technology for their business. Since you are transferring your company’s important details to a third party so it is important to ensure yourself about the manageability and security system of the cloud.

Challenge 2: Lack of expertise/knowledge

Not every organizaton has sufficient knowledge about the implementation of the cloud solutions. Lack of resources and expertise ranked just behind security and cost management among the top cloud implementation challenges in the RightScale survey. Nearly three-quarters (73 percent) of respondent listed it as a challenge with 27 percent saying it was a significant challenge.

Many of the companies are even hoping to overcome the challenges of moving to cloud computing by hiring more expertise with cloud computing skills or certifications. Experts also recommend offering training of existing staff to get them up to the speed with the help of latest technology.

Challenge 3: Managing Cloud Spending

Companies make many mistakes which increases the cost. Often, developers or other IT workers forget to rotate a cloud event to be used for a short period and turn it off.
Cloud services can easilybe changed and update by the business users. It is a service provider’s responsibility to manage the information and spread it across the organisation. Chosing the right service provider is very important considering the long term cost.

Challenge 4: Compliance

Governaments and Organization accross the globe are enforcing rules and regulations related to data and cloud computing. Companies have to give more importance data compliance in the coming future. Many organizations would require employing a data protection professional who can anticipate data security and privacy according to the needs of the law.

Challenge 5: Vendor Lock-In

Currently, a few vendors, namely Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform and IBM Cloud, dominate the public cloud market. For both analysts and enterprise IT leaders, this raises the specter of vendor lock-in. In a Hybrid Cloud survey, around 90% of those surveyed expressed moderate to the high levels of concern about the issue.

Experts recommend that before organizations adopt a particular cloud service they consider how easy it will be to move those workloads to another cloud should future circumstances warrant.

Cloud Computing Challenges

Challenge 6: Governance

IT always doesn’t have full control over provisioning, infrastructure delivery, and operation in this cloud-based world. This has raised the complicacy of IT to offer important compliance, governance, data quality, and risk management.

Governance and control were fourth in the list of cloud computing challenges in the RightScale survey with 71 percent of respondents calling it a challenge, including 25 percent who see it as a significant challenge.

Challenge 7: Managing Multi-Cloud Environments

These days, maximum companies are not only working on a single cloud. As per the RightScale report revelation, nearly 84% of the companies are following a multi-cloud strategy and 58% already have their hybrid cloud tactic that is combined with the public and private cloud.

The future of cloud computing a long-term forecast provides a much more complexity faced by the IT infrastructure teams. To overcome this challenge, experts have also recommended that the best practices like the training employee, re-thinking processes, doing research, actively managing vendor relationships, and tooling.

Challenge 8: Immature Technology

Many cloud computing services are at the forefront of technologies like artificial intelligence, machine learning, augmented reality, virtual reality, and advanced big data analytics. The potential downside to access to this new and exciting technology is that the services don`t always live up to enterprise expectations in terms of performance, usability and reliability.

Challenge 9: Recovery of lost data

Cloud services faces issue of data loss. A proper backup policy for the recovery of data must be placed to deal with the loss. Vendors must set proper infrastructures to efficiently handle with server breakdown and outages. All the cloud computing service providers must set up their servers at economically stable locations where they should have proper arrangements for the backup of all the data in at least two different locations. Ideally they should manage a hot backup and a cold backup site.

Challenge 10: Integration

Finally, several companies, especially those with hybrid cloud environments report issues associated with having their on-premise apps and tools and public cloud for working together. Moreover, in a Software One report on cloud spending, revealed that around 40% of those surveyed told connecting legacy system was one of the biggest concerns at the tie of using the cloud.

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